Rose Will Fight for Our Community’s Needs

As the North State’s representative in Congress, Rose Yee will pursue a Care Agenda that brings new resources to our communities and supports everyone’s ability to thrive.

This agenda focuses on five freedoms, all essential to creating more opportunity for North State residents.

Healthcare Freedom

We all deserve the freedom to get the healthcare we need without risking bankruptcy or being forced to give up control over our own bodies.

Educational Freedom

We all deserve the freedom to develop our talents by seeking the education and training we need without taking on crippling student loan debt.

Freedom to Live in a Safe Environment

We all deserve the freedom to drink tap water without hesitation, to invest in our homes without fear of raging wildfires, and to enjoy healthy forests, grasslands and waterways.

Financial Freedom

We all deserve the freedom to work at a single job that pays enough to support us, to live without anxiety over unaffordable rent, and to retire without fear of sinking into poverty if anything goes wrong.

Freedom to Participate in a Real Democracy

We need to free ourselves from the excessive influence of corporations and the wealthy, and prioritize the welfare of all Americans above handouts for millionaires and billionaires.

LaMalfa Opposes Rose’s Care Agenda.

Do you think we deserve funding for clean energy projects that provide living wage jobs and uplift our rural economy?

Do you think we deserve clean water?

Do you think our communities deserve affordable healthcare?

Do you think women should have the right to make their own decisions about reproductive care?

Do you think rural students deserve an education that develops their talents?

Do you think the wealthy should contribute their fair share to the country that has enabled their success?

Incumbent U.S. Rep. Doug LaMalfa doesn’t. He has voted against Rose’s Care Agenda at every opportunity.

LaMalfa votes against our well-being

  • The bill provided funding for new infrastructure projects and reauthorizations such as:

    • Clean drinking water

    • High-speed internet

    • Clean energy transmission and power infrastructure upgrades

    • Amtrak maintenance and development

    • Bridge repairs and maintenance

  • This bill provided economic relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The bill included funding to safely reopen schools, provide up to $1,400 per person in relief payments, and extend unemployment benefits.

  • Key features of the bill included investments in:

    • Clean energy infrastructure

    • Reducing healthcare costs

    • Allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices

    • Making sure wealthy Americans and corporations pay all taxes due

  • Repealing the federal healthcare program would have taken away health insurance from about 23 million people.

  • This bill boosted wildfire resilience and preparedness, increased salaries for wildland firefighters, and funded water conservation efforts to address drought in Western states.

  • LaMalfa celebrated the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade and the end of nationwide abortion access. He also voted against a bill to protect our right to access birth control.